Annual Chili Cook-off

Date: Sunday, January 9, 2025

Time: Right after 10am worship (about 11am)

Where: Our building

Who: Everyone is welcome to come and eat OR compete!

Why: Just for fun on Super Bowl Sunday and to enjoy friendships

Cost: None, just show up. Donate if you want to.

We will vote for the top contenders and prizes will be awarded. 

See you there! 

Providing a "Church Home" for Rochester

We all know that the world is hurting and broken. We all realize that we ourselves are hurting and broken. Among the myriad options to find meaning, only one rings true--a good, Creator God, revealed by Jesus, the crucified and risen Messiah, present through the Holy Spirit. Homestead Church invites all of Rochester to live as truly-human people in worship of our God. Join us Sundays at 10am and find meaning and to find your Church Home.

We Believe In Jesus' Bodily Resurrection

Jesus' death on the cross and his resurretion are key elements to our faith as Chrisitians. Please watch the short video below as it is such a wonderful summary of the meaning of Jesus' resurrection. We believe that  living out the resurrection every day is part of our calling as disciples of Jesus.


What We Offer #1:

Proudly Old-Fashioned

Sunday Worship at 10AM

What if we told you there was a Sunday, church service built just for people who like their worship style "old fashioned?" What if we told you that at 10AM every Sunday there was a church service that focused on singing only hymns with piano accompaniment, where the Lord's Prayer is said, and the point of the thing is to be Old Fashioned?

That is the strategic choice we as a church have made for our 10AM worship time every Sunday. If you like that style of "church," then this is for you. If you love to sings hymns, then this is for you. If you don't feel like you fit in at too many churches, then give us a try.

We proudly present: Our old-fashioned, Heritage Worship hour every Sunday at 10AM.  We love old-time stuff, and we are sure you will too.

What We Offer #2

A Place to Belong and Matter

A great number of people in the US do not feel like they belong anywhere, nor do they feel like they matter. Feelings such as these can lead to all kinds of problems like addictions, unhealthy decisions, or even suicide. Please know that at Homestead Church we have a place just for you; you matter here, and we have saved a seat for you.  Take a chance and join us once, you will be glad you did.

The Power of Community

A.K.A.--See you at Church!

August 31, 2023

In a world increasingly defined by digital interactions and virtual connections, a groundbreaking study conducted by researchers at Harvard University underscores the invaluable health benefits of real-world community engagement. The study, which analyzed the effects of social interactions on well-being, provides substantial evidence that fostering strong community ties can significantly enhance physical and mental health.

Published in the Journal of Health Psychology, the study involved an extensive analysis of data collected from over 5,000 participants spanning a diverse range of age groups and backgrounds. Over a period of five years, researchers meticulously examined the impact of various social activities, such as group gatherings, volunteering, and participation in local clubs, on the participants' overall health.

The results of the study revealed a clear correlation between active community involvement and improved well-being. Participants who engaged in regular social interactions experienced lower levels of stress, decreased incidences of depression and anxiety, and reported higher levels of life satisfaction. Moreover, those who were part of tight-knit social networks tended to exhibit healthier lifestyle choices, including better sleep patterns and more consistent exercise routines.

Dr. Emily Roberts, lead author of the study, commented on the findings, stating, "Our research underscores the importance of human connection in maintaining and promoting good health. Meaningful relationships and a sense of belonging play a vital role in mitigating the negative effects of stress and enhancing overall quality of life."

The study's conclusions resonate strongly with experts in the field of psychology and public health. Dr. James Anderson, a renowned psychiatrist, noted, "Human beings are inherently social creatures. Our emotional and psychological well-being is intricately linked to our interactions with others. This research reminds us that fostering community connections should be a priority for individuals and society as a whole."

In an era marked by increasing social isolation, the Harvard study serves as a wake-up call to prioritize real-world interactions and forge genuine connections. The findings highlight the fact that community engagement can act as a protective buffer against the detrimental effects of loneliness and isolation, ultimately contributing to a healthier and happier population.

As the world continues to grapple with the challenges posed by technology-driven disconnection, the study's message is clear: investing time and effort in building and nurturing communities can be a powerful prescription for improved well-being and a higher quality of life.

For the full study, refer to: "Community Engagement and its Effects on Well-being: A Longitudinal Study," Journal of Health Psychology.

Four Things to Look for

When Choosing a Church

Finding a church to belong to is a complex, and often frustrating, process that many folks find themselves facing each week around the world. So many questions! Here is a list of things that I think are important in a church.

1. A Solid Jesus Culture

This is number one, hands down. When looking for a new church, notice what the church worships. At its best, the church worships the triune God (Father, Son, and Spirit) and seeks to be disciples in loving community. However, as we are all so fallible, "idols" can sneak in and take center stage. Idols are things that take first place as an object of worship in the church. Examples of idols that we see right now in the US are: Christian nationalism, LGBT+ inclusion, political affiliations, worshipping the Bible instead of God, or the size of our church and building. Take care that you do not fall into the trap of worshipping something other than God; it is easy to do.


2. Friendly People

How many people said "hello" to you the first day at the new church? Did anyone take an interest in you being there? Or did most folks, unfortunately, stay in their friend group and not speak to you? These questions help us understand how friendly the church is. After all, don't we go to church to form quality relationships? And if only the people who are paid to talk to you did, then it might be an unfriendly church where you might struggle to make connections.

3. A Solid Mission

What is this church trying to accomplish? Who are they trying to speak to? As much as it pains me to say it, there are good missions and there are bad missions. For example, focusing on ministry to children and their families is a good mission, while focusing on growing the number of people in your organization is not. So ask yourself, can I clearly see how this church wants to change the world? And, is it something that I can commit to and really give to? That is a great starting place.

4. A Place to Grow

Does this church offer me (and my family) opportunities to grow in relationship to God and in my following of Jesus? Key things to look for here are vibrant worship experiences, meaningful discipleship classes, serving opportunities, and other places to use the gifts and talents that God has given you. "Blind faith" is never a good idea and it always disappoints. We are smart, creative beings that thrive when challenged -- does this church seek to bring out the best in you?

Other "Stuff"

You will notice I did not say Awesome Preaching, a Fabulous Building, or Programming. Why? Because those things are nice, but not necessary. A nice building does not put you any closer to God than a block of cheese does. Programming changes and is often linked to church size and resources. In my opinion, seeking these things as primary will leave you disappointed as no church can compete with the flash of corporate America. What a church can do is love God with their whole being, and love others as themselves. Churches can give self-sacrificially to implement the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Videos of Interest

Watch a short video on different topics below.