Daily Bible Reading Plan

Questions to Answer for Bible Study

  • What does this passage teach me about God?
  • What does this passage teach me about humanity?
  • How should I respond to God in light of this passage?
  • What impact does this have on my life today?

Please follow this link to read the Scripture readings for the coming Sunday:

Please follow this link for the DAILY Scripture readings: 

Weekly Prayer Guide

Every Morning: The day and its tasks, Your family, The coming of God's Kingdom

Every Evening: That you would see God working, That God would be glorified in all the earth


The Church as it worships this day

Church leaders

National Leaders

The planet and its resources

Those in need


Healing of this nation

Farmers and food producers

Those who are unemployed, under-employed

Those who hate their jobs


All who are sick in body, mind, and spirit

Abuse victims

Those struggling with addiction

All who work in the Medical and Healing professions

Those in disaster areas, famines, etc.


Those in Social Sector

Victims AND perpetrators of crime

Those who work in the Criminal Justice system

Aid agencies worldwide

Those living in poverty

Those living under oppression


Local government and community leaders

Local service providers

Those who work with the Young and the Elderly

All our schools

Emergency responders


Peace and justice in the world

For our armed forces

Those in Reconciliation work

Prisoners, the homeless, and refugees


Our homes

All the people we love

Those who care for others

The dying and their families

The hopeless

For the Church on Sunday

*Thanks to the Church of England website for this great idea and template!